تعداد اندک ما را زیاد گردان…

📖 «و کثر به قلتنا»
تعداد اندک ما را زیاد گردان…
And please increase our few members

🔸 تعدادشان زیاد بود.
در گوشه‌ای خلوت دوره‌اش کردند و با هرچه همراه داشتند، به سر و بدنش ضربه‌ زدند.
فکرش را هم نمی‌کردند، اما فیلم‌ شهادت مظلومانه‌اش، در فضای مجازی دست به دست شد و رسوایشان کرد.
حالا آن‌ها اندک بودند و خون‌خواهان آرمان -سرباز امام زمان- زیاد…

▫️ There were many of them.
They surrounded him in a secluded corner and started hitting his head and beating his body with anything at hand.
They didn’t even think they would be arrested, but the film of his innocent martyrize when they took him like a lamb to the slaughter went viral and disgraced them.
Now they were few and the avengers of Arman – the soldier of Imam Mahdi – were many…

✅️ واحد مهدویت مصاف (مهدیاران)


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