⭕️The cabinet of Imam Mahdi’s government: ?The Prophet (PBUH) said: ? All the ministers of Mahdi are non-Arabs and among them there is no single Arab but they speak in Arabic and they are the “purest” and “best” ministers. ?Yanabi’ al-Mawwadda, volume 3, page 133 #The_Merciful_Government_of_Imam_Mahdi 18 ?? The Persian text is on the link below: ? https://t.me/masafiran/2738 ☑️ The …
ادامه نوشته »اسلام شناسی- مطالب وب به زبان انگلیسی
⭕️ Praying for Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance
⭕️ Praying for Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance ? In the importance of this issue, it suffices to mention that Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in a letter to Shiites orders them to pray a lot for his Reappearance. Kamal al-Din, volume 2 ? We should not forget that this request of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is equivalent to the famous quote from Imam Hussein …
ادامه نوشته »⭕️ Like a sea
⭕️ Like a sea ? The story of our life and Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is like the story of a hole in the vicinity of a sea, {although the hole should not consider itself to be great}. ? If it is not connected to the sea (even through a narrow path), consequently, it wouldn’t find a way to the flow …
ادامه نوشته »⭕️ Subsiding in al-Bayda
⭕️ Subsiding in al-Bayda ? Sufyani sends 70000 soldiers to Kufa to kill the people of Kufa and take them as hostages. Meanwhile some flags will arrive in Kufa among which there are true companions of Imam Mahdi. ? Sufyani sends his army to Medina. After Medina they will go to Mecca following Imam Mahdi (PBUH). The commander of Sufyani’s …
ادامه نوشته »⭕️ Detaining women! Security surveillance!
⭕️ Detaining women! Security surveillance! ? In the historical books of Shias and Sunnis it is mentioned that Muʿtamid Abbasi, sent his soldiers to Imam Hassan Askari’s house and captured all the women in his house hoping to find a trace of Imam Mahdi’s birth. ? According to the books such as “History of the Prophets and Kings” (from Sunnis) …
ادامه نوشته »⭕️ Long for him for the sake of him, not for the sake of ourselves
⭕️ Long for him for the sake of him, not for the sake of ourselves ? Is it possible that our chief and master “Imam Mahdi” is sad and we feel happy? He cries for tests and exams of friends and we are happy and laugh, and at the same time, we consider ourselves as his followers? He wants people …
ادامه نوشته »☑️ The channel of Mahdavi Messages:
#The_words_of_scholars 17 ☑️ The channel of Mahdavi Messages: @MahdaviMessages
ادامه نوشته »If we want prosperity in this world and the Hereafter
If we want prosperity in this world and the Hereafter, we must observe three aspects: • financial • emotional • spiritual Religious principles for strengthening the family. The essence of working to provide family financially is a must and is considered prayer; and laziness and boredom should be abandoned. Family’s sustenance and the way of earning it, should be Halal. …
ادامه نوشته »⭕️ The Savior in non-Abrahamic religions
⭕️ The Savior in non-Abrahamic religions ? The religions after Abraham, which are brought for humankind by divine prophets, are called “Abrahamic religions”; Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic religions, and great feature of these religions is their having the following notions in common: the Monotheism, Resurrection and Prophecy, so they are also called “Monotheistic Religions”. ? Religions before Abraham …
ادامه نوشته »⭕️ مشهد من الحوادث بعد الظهور
⭕️ مشهد من الحوادث بعد الظهور ? …. فيبعث اللّه رجلا من عترتي أهل بيتي يملأ الأرض قسطا و عدلا كما ملئت ظلما و جورا، يحبه ساكن الأرض و ساكن السماء، و ترسل السماء قطرها و تخرج الأرض نباتها لا يمسكن شيئا يعيش منهم سبع سنين أو ثمانيا أو تسعا، يتمنى الاحياء الأموات مما صنع اللّه بأهل الأرض من خيره. …
ادامه نوشته »